Hike our half-mile loop trail
The loop trail is steep and narrow in parts so hiking shoes are recommended. Explore several scenic lookout on the river. See if you can identify areas named by locals who grew up playing in these hills. Cameras are welcome.
Fish the Paint River

Fish along the loop trail or below the Crystal Falls power plant. The power plant is located about 200 yards upstream, northerly, from the campground. It is accessible by walking the trail road through the campground and down the paved city street to the Veterans Park at Clark's Landing. Rock bass, perch, walleye, pike, and occasionally a trout may be caught. There are plenty of crayfish especially in the rocks below the municipal power plant and they are easy to catch. Be careful, they can grab you with their pincers.
Tube the Paint River
Put into the Paint River at the public access site below the municipal power dam opposite the campground side of the river about three hundred yards north of the campground. Walk the trail road straight north of the campground to the street and follow the street down to the river. The access point is on the left side of the road and the campground side of the river upstream from the bridge. Take out of the river at the DNR access site about a half mile down river on the campground side of the river across from the City River Walk and just upstream from Highway M-69 bridge. The trip will take about 30 minutes. The water is shallow in most parts and somewhat rocky so water shoes are recommended. Life jackets are also recommended. Current is moderate most times of the year. This is an excellent fun trip for families with children. Caution - children have a difficult time making the trip only once!